Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Almost-Spring Cleaning

Yet another pile of recycled old crap. Later analysis supports the SBT, you moron
By Anonymous on When Nations Lie to Their Citizens on 2/1/11

Good grief, are you all really so much in Textusa's thrall that you swallow every bit of nonsense she comes out with? None of you are very bright, are you? For example, if anyone disagrees with the pile of rubbish she writes, you immediately accuse them of either believing in the abduction (I don't), being a McCann (I'm not) or having something to hide (I don't) It's perfectly simple. Textusa, for whatever reasons - and you and I both know you have your own agenda - you seem determined to undermine the anti-McCann cause, to attract ridicule and even generate sympathy for the McCanns. Worryingly, I think you actually believe what you write - you seriously think you have proven your insane theories based on your silly diagrams or assertions about tables not being big enough. You haven't. To seriously suggest that members of staff who had never met the McCanns before would lie for them about a missing child, is just plain nuts No-one ever takes apart your argument bit by bit for the simple reason that your theories are palpably insane. Any anti with half a brain cell sees that for themselves. I read a comment from one earlier today who refused to ''calcify his brain'' by coming over and reading this crap. Whatever medication you are currently prescribed, Textusa, consider asking them to increase the dose. If you are not taking any, then you really really should. Because you are completely delusional.
By Anonymous on Who Took the "Reason" Out of "Reasonable Doubt"? on 1/30/11

PS Almost forgot to add ''Of course you won't publish this, etc'' In case you've never realised, that's just to ensure that you will. Works every time. Well, must go now, my insane friend. Enjoy your Thorazine.
By Anonymous on Death at Praia da Luz on 1/9/11

Get some help, Textusa, you have clearly lost possession of your remaining marbles. Anyone who is stupid enough not to see that should also avail themselves of their local mental health services. The very idea that the entire staff of a holiday centre would conspire together to protect a couple who were strangers, would lie to the police, perjure themselves, risk their own liberty, is so far beyond sanity that there is clearly no point even trying to explain it to you. You, lady, are a whackjob.
By Anonymous on Death at Praia da Luz on 1/9/11

Not in your case. pet. You're just a loon
By Anonymous on Textusa Meltdown on 12/13/10

I see you responded to Alexandra with your customary rudeness, Textusa. Well, why change the habits of a lifetime? It's a subject of much debate out in the non-insane anti world at the moment - just what is your motivation? The majority opinion seems to be that you are a mad, deluded and very sad individual, completely obsessed with your own version of events and with a desperate need to be taken seriously. Those are the charitable ones, tbh. A significant number believe that far from the rabid anti you claim to be, you are in fact completely pro-McCann, as there is no other explanation for why you seem so determined to harm the cause of those who don't believe the McCanns. I think you gave yourself away when you decided to turn your venomous attention to Mrs Fenn. Your suggestion that she made up the story of a crying child and lied to the police is so bloody preposterous that anyone reading it can only assume that the final shreds of whatever remained of your fragile sanity finally gave way. Even more scary, is the response of the feeble minded beings who lap up your drivel with the devotion usually reserved for the brain-dead fans of a teenage boyband. We are pretty sure you write most of the shit yourself, as there can't be that many criminally stupid and utterly credulous people alive in the world at the same time. It's just not possible. You, Textusa, have done more to prop up the McCanns than anyone else. I can actually see why people feel sorry for them when they read the barking mad nonsense you come out with. If you want to do something positive in terms of finding out what happened to Madeleine then the one contribution you could make would be to pour a pint of water into your computer, and put yourself out of action. Your column is the Jonestown Massacre of the internet. A crazy, paranoid and vindictive self-styled leader, and a raggle-taggle group of feeble-minded followers, too thick to form opinions of their own, and too scared of you to risk saying ''Actually, I think you're wrong'' You won't print this, will you, Textusa? Too scared of the truth. No matter................... Off you go, crazy woman. Back to your pornographic fantasies. There must be a few more people you haven't accused of lying yet, who you could have a go at; the more the merrier. Incidentally, were you aware that people who act as you do, and use the internet to lie about people can have their access to the internet removed? Your ISP can be sued too, you see? Generally they don't like that. Much easier to get rid of you....... I'll be copying and pasting this elsewhere, so people can see the post you didn't have the balls to publish. You take care now.
By Anonymous on Operation Ore’s Appeal on 12/10/10

Insane as ever. The lack of what you perceive as a suitable table is conclusive proof they were all lying, all ''in on it'' You, lady, are out of your tiny mind
By Anonymous on In an Emergency call 112, when in a HOAX call 211 on 12/9/10

You are utterly demented. None of the other anti McCanns have a clue what you are wittering about, or why you are hell bent on lying about Mrs Fenn. You are so far gone that you are seeing things in people's comments that are not there, the above pile of tripe is a fine example. You are now beyond parody, and literally beyond belief.
By Anonymous on Operation Ore’s Appeal on 12/8/10

I see you are too much of a coward to print my replies, Textusa. That figures. You're only brave when you're bullying people who can't respond to you. :-)
By Anonymous on My Thanksgiving Turkey to ALL of You. on 11/27/10

Johanna is right. You've completely lost the plot. Would be amusing, were it not about a missing child. Go and get some therapy, Textusa
By Anonymous on Praia da Luz, Why Have You Forsaken the McCanns? on 11/24/10

@ anon 2.39pm What a load of complete horseshit. At least try to get your facts right. Mrs Fenn did report the incident to the police very soon after Madeleine was taken - it was months before they decided to take a proper statement from her. What I think about the McCanns is unprintable. And so is what I think of people who insult and denigrate an entirely innocent witness simply in the furtherance of promoting their own barmy theory
By Anonymous on All Paths Lead to Rome on 11/22/10

Are you all on drugs or something??
By Anonymous on My Thoughts & Questions on 9/30/10

Complete horseshit, as usual
By Aren't you bored with this yet? on The Importance of the Inexistent Witness on 9/25/10

''Oh, by the way... you turning on Ironside in this particular moment of her life, just makes researching about you, so, so, soooo much more fun. '' The ONLY person who turned on Ironside was Joana Morais. But I doubt you want to broadcast that, so a huge diversion has been created instead. None of us are stupid. We know exactly what's going on.
By Anonymous on Rumours or Wishful Thinking? on 9/20/10

We know what they chose to do - nothing. Why? because G McCann did nothing wrong. Get that? What he did was perfectly acceptable, many others in that race were doing the same thing. On the other hand, the actions of Deborah Butler really are despicable - a gigantic hoax, a walk she never undertook and which no-one - not even the SAS, could have done. I really hope you all live long enough to regret what you have been doing for the last 3 years - and I mean that most sincerely.
By Anonymous on An Understandable Charity Event on 9/19/10

I don't think you will you know. It doesn't exist. How can you expect a TV presenter to be swayed by a clip which no-one can actually prove exists? I htink this lady saw the holes in your argument and did the decent thing.
By Anonymous on BETRAYED Madeleine Beth McCann by SPAINS Las Manan... on 9/17/10

Well you will feed the rumourmill with all this Ironside/Powersteph nonsense. The whole thing was daft in the extreme but you can't blame sane and decent people for being glad you stopped your appalling wittering for a couple of days. If only it were longer, sick devils that ye are.
By Anonymous on Rumours or Wishful Thinking? on 9/15/10

Your post says nothing and based on nothing you claim the parents simulated abduction. Brilliant.
By Miguel on McCanns: SIMULATING Abduction? on 9/10/10

Another load of complete hogwash. Just because something was stated in a newspaper article, it doesn't mean it's true. The dogs didn't react to Russell O'Brien's clothing - he'd been back in the UK for months. It was Kate McCann's, as you well know. Nice to see you've had your paranoia pills today, Ironside.
By Anonymous on SNIFFER DOGS ‘Found Scent of Death’ on McCanns Fri... on 8/19/10

It's difficult to decide sometimes whether you are sane and deeply malicious, or just completely off your head. Two things are sure, however. One is that you are full of yourself almost beyond belief, and the second is that you are quite astonishingly stupid.
By Yawn on Last Call - All ABOARD (...or NOT) !!! on 8/14/10

''No one is accusing Jez or Bridget of aything '' What rubbish, Ironside. You repeatedly accuse Bridget of lying, you accuse her of 'trying to make the PJ look foolish' and you accuse her of being ''very unpleasant'' about Robert Murat - which is laughable considering some of the comments on here. To falsely accuse someone of lying is Defamation, Ironside, don't you understand that? And don't think your ridiculous disclaimer will make a blind bit of difference. It won't. Bridget O'Donnell might have missed your post, so I've forwarded a copy to her. Someone needs to teach the pair of you that you simply cannot go around accusing people without a scrap of evidence. The pair of you are very very stupid.
By Yawn on The HOAX on 7/14/10

You really are laughable ''To be clear, someone seems to have trouble grasping this article. No one is accusing Jez or Bridget of aything '' Oh, I think you are, Ironside. I agree with the earlier poster, and I sincerely hope they sue your arse too. Lets have a look at some of the things you ''don't '' accuse Bridget of, shall we? Oh, and then we'll talk about the definition of defamation, which I think you'll find you fall nicely into ''BOD either has a very bad memory, or she said things to mislead.'' ''Bridget also claims they sat in the afternoon sun and laughed as Gerry practiced his tennis swing. Again Georgina in her witness statement said she had seen Jez and McCann talking but very few words... there does not appear to be this friendship Bridget would like us to believe.'' (again suggesting that Bridget has lied) ''Bridget also tried to make the PJ look foolish by claiming they did not recognize a photograph of Madeleine, she was also very unpleasant about Robert Murat.'' (Oh dear. Another accusation) ''Bridget I believe was afraid and she says so herself, afraid Jez might be next in line for some imagined blame or accusation. Bridget also wanted to make it very clear ‘There were NO drug fuelled swingers on this holiday’.'' (you appear to imply that she lied again) ''Madeleine was in the Kiddie club with their daughter but their other child was much younger and with another group so highly unlikely that Maddie danced with both of Bridget’s children.'' (she doesn't say she danced with both her children) You see, Ironside, you say that you have not accused Bridget of anything, then claim she told untruths. It may take a while to filter into your skull, but accusing someone of lying, when they haven't is called DEFAMATION. Defamation occurs when you say something untrue about a person which would cause them to be thought less of by a right-thinking person. This absolutely falls into that category. Although you do not accuse her of involvement in the disappearance of Madeleine, you do accuse her of lying about events surrounding her disappearance. By extension, you also accuse her of later lying to Leicestershire police about the events I wasn't sure Bridget would have seen your latest piece of nonsense, so I have sent her a copy, care of the Guardian. I think she has a right to know you are telling the world she is a liar - don't you ? It's about time you two made better use of your time, you're hopeless at this. *waits for usual accusation of being a pro-McCann. You know I'm not, don't you? I'm an anti who is pig sick of people like you making a laughing stock of everyone who doesn't believe the McCanns*
By Yawn on The HOAX on 7/14/10

As usual, a pile of complete and utter horseshit, garnished on this occasion with your incredible rudeness to people who raise a question. And as usual, your conclusions are completely unsupported by any evidence, and your megalomania is showing. There was a very interesting line in one of your replies to someone raising a question ''The expected result is to make the discussion return, over and over, endlessly, back to square one, never allowing it to develop, making it losing objectiveness and force to end ending up nowhere near its initial outset.'' And there, Textusa, is your problem. You cannot cope with being challenged for several reasons. Firstly because your theories are total nonsense, but you have neither the wit nor intelligence to defend them, so you merely dismiss any questions by rudely referring to the questioner as a Black Hat. Secondly, because your over-inflated sense of your own importance won't allow it, and that probably stems from what is actually a deep-seated, and well-founded inferiority. You are clearly not a very intelligent nor well-educated person, and struggle immensely to relate to anyone who is. And thirdly, because in your narrow little world, you derive your sense of worth from the fawning attention and self-regard this blog generates for you. Do you know what you are, Textusa? You are Madeleine McCann's cyberpimp, living off the immoral earnings of the attention you draw to yourself by using her. She really was an unfortunate child. She had parents who didn't give a fuck about her, and now she has a lineup of self-publicists and attention seekers, like you, Bennett and Butler who shamelessly piss all over her memory.
By yawn on A Human Being Is Always Human on 6/24/10

Usual claptrap and hogwash, Textusa ! I have come to expect nothing less :)
By Yawn on Child-Carrying 101 on 6/17/10

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