Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Published. last Comment Not Published

These comments are not only from Black Hats, but include responses, from me and from our good readers to their provocations. I have washed my hands since. Advice all White Hats to do the same:

Yawn said...
What a complete waste of time - yours for writing it, mine for reading it.It's a complete and total irrelevance. This bit made me laugh lots though[quote]I think that a formal complaint for obstruction of justice, based solely on the above, against Dr. Gerry McCann can be filed.[quote]Welcome to planet Earth. Have a nice day
May 7, 2010 6:01:00 PM

Textusa said...
Yawn, do shut your trap, your breath stinks.
May 7, 2010 6:03:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Yawn,I wish that YOU will one day fall in the hands of this Justice. Not for the crime implicit in your attitude. In one where you're innocent. And may this same Justice discard evidence in your case, as they are doing with the McCanns. Then, don't come crying, you freak, you've asked for it.
May 7, 2010 6:54:00 PM
Anonymous said...
TEXTUSA I see the troll has returned, shows you have hit a nerve.You and Iron must get around to showing YAWN and everyone how the window was NEVER open even for the simulated abduction.
May 7, 2010 6:57:00 PM
Textusa said...
Anon...The Troll is quite angry because the last time when he returned all tail-wagging-drooling happy with the stick, I was no longer there for him give it to me.One thing at least we know, and next time cannot serve as an excuse: he read the whole article, with his eyes bleeding or not. There are only 2 further sentences.Troll is making progress, and praying that I stop.Throwing sticks, that is...
May 7, 2010 7:09:00 PM
mc said...
Hi! The Yawns´s world shook like jelly.They are all afraid of the truth.
May 7, 2010 8:00:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Quote Textusa: (about comment Yawn)"One thing at least we know, and next time cannot serve as an excuse: he read the whole article, with his eyes bleeding or not."Textusa, you couldn't say it any better. Great!Archimedes: "... and Gerry lied for the sake of lying." :))Maren NL
May 7, 2010 9:11:00 PM
Yawn said...
I suppose it stood to reason you would be as stupid and foul-mouthed as your nonsensical, rambling theories suggested. I am puzzled as to why you think I have posted before, though. Clearly you must have many people who visit with an IQ in double figures who fail to be impressed with your thinly-veiled efforts to make an internet name for yourself.Just for the record - and for the attention of your fellow harpies who like to fall upon anyone who doesn't agree with your crap - I'm not a pro-McCann. Quite the opposite. Many antis are sick and tired of you and your infantile posts. You give us all a bad name, you see? People assume that just because you are stupid, obsessed and vitriolic that we must all be.Fortunately there are enough of us about who have managed to get this far without following your example, and shoving our heads up our own arses. Hopefully, we as a group are sufficiently articulate enough - let's face it, not difficult - to present a more coherent argument than your menopausal ramblings. It's no wonder there are people out there who believe the McCanns, when idiots like you publish trash like this blog. Now, I dare say you won't publish this. Cowards like you rarely do. But don't worry. I'll make sure plenty see it.By the way, you do know that your ''legal disclaimer'' isn't worth Jack Shit, don't you?
May 8, 2010 4:48:00 AM
Archimedes said...
"Fortunately there are enough of us about who have managed to get this far without following your example, and shoving our heads up our own arses"Exactly how far have you got and whose arses are you shoving your head up Yawn ?Sorry Tex shouldn't really bother to respond to this sad individual it needs urgent psychiatric help.
May 8, 2010 11:11:00 AM
Yawn said...
''Now, I dare say you won't publish this. Cowards like you rarely do. But don't worry. I'll make sure plenty see it.''Works like a charm. Every time. :-)
May 8, 2010 11:13:00 AM

Textusa said...
Yawn, to even consider that I wouldn't publish your comment reveals much about how much you think about yourself, and how little about others.Besides personal messages, I only don't publish spam or publicity.Insults from people like you, I take as compliment.
May 8, 2010 11:27:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Yawn“Clearly you must have many people who visit with an IQ in double figures who fail to be impressed with your…”I suppose that you include yourself in this category, defined by yourself.The average IQ is 100.Double figure is 99 and below.So according to you, people who don’t agree with what Tex writes are dumber than normal.You don’t agree with what Tex writes.I agree that you should include yourself in the people that don’t agree with what Tex writes.
May 8, 2010 12:56:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Yawn: ..."It's no wonder there are people out there who believe the McCanns, when idiots like you publish trash like this blog."If that is the reason why these people stay McCann believers, please let them stay McCann believers.We only need people who can think for themselves.Ira
May 8, 2010 7:11:00 PM
Yawn said...
Put the computer down and go for a walk or something.Don't you and your sidekick understand that you are becoming completely ridiculous, figures of fun?While you continue to see this case as some multi-headed hydra, with involvement of the men in suits at the highest level, and ''strollers'' making numerous route changes until they are seen by witnesses; where you make enormous assumptions about which route was being referred to in the words ''the road directly ahead'', then you will forever be gazing up your own arse.Oh, by the way, Textusa. The assumption that the route taken included Rua da Boa Pesca, is YOUR assumption. I hardly think the PJ are going to raise an arrest warrant based on the fact that Textusa reckons the route they might have been referring to is actually a dead end (By the way, enlarge the map a bit, dear. It clearly isn't)I also shouldn't imagine that they will have Gerry McCann stoned to death on the basis that, to quote you, '' how can someone that has passed by a church, the only one in PdL, less than 50 metres away, has the audacity to ask for one two days later?''Is there something wrong with you? No, don't bother to answer. There clearly is. Last week, I had to vote in the town where I live. The polling station was in a hall next to a church. I hadn't the faintest idea where it was, even though it transpired I drive past it on a regular basis. I have no need for the church, so it hadn't registered on my memory. I have lived here for two years. You are reaching conclusions based on the fact that, according to you, Gerry should have passed the church on the route you have decided he must have taken on one occasion, in a place they had been visiting for less than a week. Even if he had walked past the church a dozen times - so fucking what, Textusa? Can't you see it's totally meaningless?If you can't see how insane that is, then you are clearly beyond the help you so obviously need. I really do wish you would do us all a favour and keep your insane theories to yourselves, though. Like I said, all that happens is that everyone gets tarred with the same brush. It's no wonder the McCanns have the support they do when dingbats like you come up with such utter tripe. It's frustrating for others to watch. Have you any idea how much help you and your mad mates are actually giving the McCanns? Their support is only buoyed by such complete drivel.
May 9, 2010 9:13:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Yawn, you're welcome never to set foot here again.Nobody is making you read anything.Let us who want to cherish this, cherish it.Sorry, I used a too elevated speech for you.Fuck off, in your language.Sorry, Text.
May 9, 2010 11:08:00 AM
Anonymous said...
yawn,gerry had either need for a church till maddie DIED...so he will convert to a fake catholic man so the whole world will say poor thing!Gerry fake and liar!Claudia
May 9, 2010 11:23:00 AM

IRONSIDE said...
What a long response from someone who thinks this blog is shite. Not only a response BUT a response explaing why it is such SHITE.YAWN ...you are forgetting something the McCanns are 'Devout' in thir religion ..someone so 'Devout' would want out of interest to see the village church. OR do you not think they are 'Devout'.?The Mccanns WERE in Chaplins on Tuesday May 1st..there is footage to prove it and when we have it, it will be shown HERE on this blog that is so full of SHITE.Chaplins is right next door to the Church...you may have missed the church in your village but WE have not missed the significance of Mccann asking for the Church in PDL...distancing himself from the fact he was known to have been in Chaplins...It is only a question of time before this footage is found and even you Yawn will have to respond in the only way you know how...explaining how this is also a lot of shite.Now, I think you should maybe take a hike and think about it.IRONSIDE...the Sidekick of TEXTUSA...
May 9, 2010 11:23:00 AM
Yawn said...
Tell you what, Ironside - you come back when you've got the 'footage' of them in Chaplins. I rather think it would have surfaced by now, hun. It's been three years, after all.As regards the devout business, I think you will find that Gerry himself stated that he had never been particularly devout, prior to this. You are clutching at tiny little inconsequential straws. Trust me, you have no idea how much ridicule there is for you in certain quarters - not by Pro-McCanns, by other antis, who have enough intelligence to see the whole picture and not become obsessed with the minutiae.You are never going to get it on here, because you've all allowed yourselves to be consumed by detail. If it was important detail, it would be one thing, but it isn't. If you seriously took this to the authorities, they would lock you up for your own good.
May 10, 2010 3:32:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Yawn: "It's no wonder the McCanns have the support they do when dingbats like you come up with such utter tripe."Yawn, don't worry, we don't need these McCann supporters, they are useless for, as you explain so well, they will believe everything someone else is telling them.Textusa and Ironside thank you for all your work.Ira
May 10, 2010 8:07:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Yawn - me thinks you protest too much, if you think this is shite why are you at great pains to point this out, do us all a favour and go get a life, or as so well put by another, fuck off.Liz
May 10, 2010 1:35:00 PM

Yawn said...
For one brief moment, it appeared sanity was restored, when you declared ''There was no body disposal at the church''At last, I thought. Common sense and reason prevails.Then you had to go and spoil it with this :''That would mean that the body would be taken to a very, very near location… Yes, Murats, you can start sweating. I’ll be involving you in all this mess very, very soon.''What is it with you and Thentherewere4? His blog is full of lies about Murat, the most recent being a preposterous assertion that he was in the McCann apartment some days prior to 3rd May. An amazing achievement, considering that he was actually in the UK at the time.Now you appear to be threatening him and other members of his family. This is a man who came forward to offer his help. Thanks to a sniping little wannabe from a newspaper, he had suspicion cast upon him. He has been investigated by the police and cleared. Who the hell are you to be threatening him and his family???I truly hope that in the event you make one defamatory statement about him or his family, he sues your backside good and proper.That's the only way to deal with bullies like you.
May 10, 2010 10:22:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Yawn, the simple fact that you jumped up so decidedly in defense of Robert Murat has just convinced me (I wasn't) that the Murats are in on it. Thank you.
May 10, 2010 11:58:00 AM
Yawn said...
''Robert nor Sergey remember this call but it happened because we have phone records to prove it.Robert knows much more than he is saying Goncalo Amaral said Murat had the power to have the case re opened. Agree Murat did not return to PDL until May 1st..Of course Murat and Sergey may well have been involved in deals that they did not wish the police to know and had nothing what so ever to do with Madeleine .It is odd Murat remembers everything about the night of May 3rd including a siren that only he and his mother heard . But he does not remember a phone call that took place according to phone records to him ,as he and his mother were both about to retire for the night.''And???From that, you draw what conclusions?Let me recount a conversation I had today with my best friend.Me : ''hiya''Her : ''hiya, what's up?''Me : ''nothing, just ringing for a chat''Her : ''Oh, okay. I got your missed call from last night, I thought there must be something up''Me : ''Missed call?''Her : ''Yes. About 11.30?''Me : ''Hmmm, I can't remember phoning tbh. ''Her : ''okay, don't worry about it''Me : ''Oh yes, hang on, I do remember, I was just on my way to bed, I rang you on my way upstairs..''Her : ''and I thought MY memory was bad ! You're worse than me. So, why were you calling?''Me : ''Haven't the foggiest....''I do hope there wasn't a bank robbery or some other crime committed in our vicinity last night. Because the above exchange is clearly verrrrrrrrry suspicious
May 10, 2010 12:10:00 PM

Yawn said...
''Yawn, the simple fact that you jumped up so decidedly in defense of Robert Murat has just convinced me (I wasn't) that the Murats are in on it. Thank you.''Well, that just shows everyone where your benchmark lies in terms of burden of proof, doesn't it? Thank you; you have rather proven my point.
May 10, 2010 12:13:00 PM

Anonymous said...
Yawn... you're an idiot. The anon questions Murat with NOT remembering a phone call, and you contradict with an example from you... REMEMBERING.Stupidity is limiteless.And before you rant, let me explain what you should have said: I had a call from a friend last night, I don't even remember the details... In 2 days time it's most likely that I don't remember the call at all... Hope that there wasn't a crime...bla...bla...Are you Jane Tanner by any chance?
May 10, 2010 12:16:00 PM
Anonymous said...
"Thank you; you have rather proven my point." (Yawn)I see, that's the whole point, to prove your point.Alas it is not about you.
May 10, 2010 12:55:00 PM
Yawn said...
I'll say one thing for this blog, it's an hilarious read.I mean, really. This was a classic''Textusa, are you clearing Father Pacheco of all of this?''Textusa replies''Excellent point. Answering your question, no, I'm not.''Sooooo funny. So Textusa is now ''clearing'' people? Funny, because as far as I am aware she is neither judge nor jury. Her speciality seems to be 'accuser'Honestly, it really is too pathetic for words. I suppose I ought to expect nothing less. Conspiraloons always ignore the bulk of the evidence in favour of the 5% which doesn't seem to fit.It's really quite sad. You each come up with your own theories and then guard them jealously. When anyone disagrees with you, the predictable response gets trotted out. You decide you must have a pro in your midst - probably a McCann, or certainly a Tapasnik.Anyway, I am looking forward to watching this develop. I have, however one question for you all.Imagine you had been a suspect in a case in which you had no involvement. The press interest in you had invaded every aspect of your life. Your child and ex-partner had been forced to leave their own home for their safety. The police have cleared you, the newspapers who libelled you have paid you damages. You have remarried, and are trying to move on with your life. Meanwhile a bunch of spiteful bitches on the internet continue to point the finger at you, led by their bitch-in-chief who posts comments which clearly threaten both you and your family.He must bitterly regret the day he went to help a family in trouble entirely of their own making, and brought this shit-storm down upon himself. How would you feel?How would any of you feel if you had gone to the aid of someone in trouble and three years down the line a bunch of under-employed spiteful witches are threatening the people you love ?It really does go to show that no good deed ever goes unpunished. You should all be deeply ashamed of yourselves.
May 10, 2010 12:58:00 PM

Anonymous said...
Yawn, might I suggest you change your nick to “Chihuahua”?Your yapping is as effective as is annoying. You are as ridiculous as you sound.Textusa, please, please, can I treat you as BIC (Bitch-In-Chief) from now on? It sounds sooo cool. And you’re being a bit bitchy by making them suffer ever so slow aren’t you?LOLOLOLRob
May 10, 2010 1:28:00 PM

Anonymous said...
As far as I know, Murat, like the McCanns had their arguido status lifted. Nobody has been cleared in this.However, it's interesting to see the commonality in interpreting the lifting of Murat's arguido/suspect status as being declared innocent of any charges, as with the McCanns, by a commentator here.As of today, legally, Murat enjoys the exact same status as the McCanns. Any other interpretation is abusive.As for the guilt of each, that’s for each one of them to bear.
May 10, 2010 1:34:00 PM

trudy said...
Yawn a question for you, why are you here?
May 10, 2010 1:34:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Yawn - you must be underemployed if you insist on posting on a blog which you say is shite - maybe you should get a life, or just f**k off, either will do, somehow i dont think you will be missed.Liz
May 10, 2010 1:45:00 PM

Yawn said...
Well, it's kind of you to suggest it, Liz, but as unfortunately I am confined to barracks while I recover from an op, I'm afraid I need to find things to fill my day. So I won't be fucking off just at the momentI see the appeal has now gone out to Textusa to also shine the light of suspicion on the Hubbards. Gosh, yes, lets! Why leave anyone out.Thanks to Anon for pointing out that Robert Murat has not been cleared, but has had his arguido status lifted - quite right. I stand corrected.The McCanns are a part of this case because their daughter disappeared, having been repeatedly left alone by her parents. Being freed of their arguido status doesn't change those basic facts. They will always remain the parents whose actions in leaving their children alone were the precursor to whatever followed. Robert Murat didn't leave any children alone. He tried to help. According to Textusa, she is shortly to turn her attention to the Murat family. It would be interesting to see what possible justification she comes up with for doing so. As to the question 'why am I here?', well it's about balance.Anyone idly scanning the internet trying to gain some insight into the Madeleine McCann case will encounter blogs which drone endlessly about Freemasons, high-ranking government involvement, organised paedophilia at the highest level, accusations levelled against Robert Murat, personal abuse directed at witnesses, and theories galore. They will find sites where myths surrounding the forensic evidence are presented as fact, where hearsay is presented as evidence and where the tiniest inconsistency is pored over as if it contains the secret which will lead to the Holy Grail. Sites where enormous suspicion is levelled at anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly endorse and embrace the party line.So that's why I am here. To put an alternative point of view, which broadly speaking is that the strongest indications are that Madeleine did not leave flat 5A alive. That there has been not one confirmed sighting of Madeleine since that evening. That endlessly following up supposed ''sightings'' is unlikely to produce a result where the likelihood is that the child died that night. It is important that people do not believe that anyone who does not buy into the McCann version of events is a credulous fool, constantly looking for a misquoted direction, an unclear recollection, or a funny handshake as evidence of guilt.There is no need for all this rubbish. You fool yourselves, and you do Madeleine no favours.
May 10, 2010 3:12:00 PM

Textusa said...
“So I won't be fucking off just at the moment”You’re on my turf, so you play by my rules.I say when you get the fuck off this blog, your-self centered twat, not you.I will continue to publish your rubbish until such interests me, the readers of this blog, and above all the truth, as the exposure of how ridiculous the counter-argumentation is, helps solidify what has been said.That is the only reason I’ve tolerated your stupid babble up to now.
May 10, 2010 3:39:00 PM

Yawn said...
''You’re on my turf, so you play by my rules.I say when you get the fuck off this blog, your-self centered twat, not you.''Strange, I thought I was on the internet, which the last time I checked, you didn't ownGet over yourself, Textusa. You're a googleblogger, same as me.Not Queen of the airwaves.Publish it or not, I really don't care. That's your choice. You have the option not to. I think you have already shown your true colours with your abusive language, and threatening people associated with the case.Above all, you have illustrated exactly what I mean. What a fine example you set. It's no wonder people refer to those who don't believe the McCanns in such derogatory terms if the only exposure they have is to people like you, and the only source of information they have is your nonsensical blog. There are people like you on both sides of the fence. You are just Rosiepops wearing a different hat.
May 10, 2010 4:41:00 PM

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Body Disposal Debunking, Part I - The Church":
I agree with your "broad" statement - "the strongest indications are that Madeleine did not leave flat 5A alive. That there has been not one confirmed sighting of Madeleine since that evening. That endlessly following up supposed ''sightings'' is unlikely to produce a result where the likelihood is that the child died that night."
I have two questions for you:
1. Do you believe there has been assistance given the McCanns (beyond the scope of family or friends) enabling them to avoid responsibility for the death you and I agree occurred?
2. If so, why do you mock bloggers who agree with the both of us in regard to Madeleine's death and the subsequent cover-up?
If the powers involved in the obstruction of justice are not pursued, how can justice ever be found?
If the path were clear, there would be no need for these theories, however, the path is NOT clear and therefore every obstacle cleared away by either proving or disproving the various theories is a worthwhile exercise.
Madeleine is dead. We agree. From that point on, where is the common ground? Are you willing to simply walk away from that fact and not explore the ramifications of her death, the Find Madeleine Fund, the persecution of Goncalo Amaral by the McCanns and (as you see it) the persecution of Murat by the McCanns and their "team"?
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Posted by Anonymous to Textusa at May 10, 2010 5:07:00 PM

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